About MIRD

  • Establish and manage an effective Agriculture Market Information System (AMIS) using Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
  • Enhance market intelligence by ensuring timely collection, analysis and dissemination of market information to all stakeholders through various modes of communication channels (e.g. AMIS website, AMIS mobile app, published reports and mass media).
  • Study the existing local markets to better understand the market requirements and disseminate the information to the technical department for planning purpose and to the producers and traders for more effective production and marketing planning.
  • Carry out value chain studies on commodities, and review and validate value chain studies that were conducted in the past. The value chain studies will be submitted to the ministry for endorsement and implementation by various stakeholder agencies.
  • Explore potential new export markets for RNR products starting with extensive online research followed by other means such as market exploration visits, participation in trade expositions in close collaboration with the concerned embassies and consulates, etc.
  • Organize and conduct trial market shipments to the potential markets to test viability of the new markets, in collaboration with the private sector.
  • Publish quarterly, bi-annual and annual market information reports, and
  • Capacity building of Dzongkhag and Gewog agriculture and livestock officials on the interpretation and use of various market information for production and marketing.

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